How can I get my subscribers to subscribe to more?

Converting existing subscribers to subscribe to more publications can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies that can be effective in achieving this goal. Here are some of the best ways we have helped our customers to do it:

1. Offer exclusive content: One of the best ways to convert existing subscribers to subscribe to more publications is by offering exclusive content that is not available anywhere else. This could be in the form of special reports, whitepapers, or webinars that are only available to subscribers of multiple publications.

2. Bundle subscriptions: Another effective strategy is to bundle subscriptions together and offer a discount to subscribers who sign up for multiple publications. This can be a win-win situation for both the publisher and the subscriber, as the subscriber gets access to more content at a lower price, while the publisher increases its revenue.

3. Cross-promote publications: Publishers can also promote their other publications to their existing subscribers by including links or ads in their newsletters, magazines, or other content. This can be a subtle way of reminding subscribers of the other publications available and encouraging them to subscribe.

4. Personalise recommendations: By leveraging data and analytics, publishers can personalise their recommendations to existing subscribers based on their reading habits and interests. This can help to highlight the value of subscribing to additional publications that are relevant to.

You can cover around 60% of the points above by simply using a Content Engine.

This is something which keeps a track of what you, as an individual, like/dis-like content wise across your entire digital estate (whether it be app, kiosk, web, call centre (CRM) and more) and use this content to your businesses advantage!

Often we have heard people say to us “we have run out of content to show to our customers/visitors” - with a content engine, this is dramatically reduced. In fact, content engines can also be used to help keep visitors on your site, consuming yet more ‘new and fresh’ content that they may not have seen before.

Still unsure of the benefits or how to pick a Content Engine that is right for your business and its goals? If so, we'd love to discuss the options further with you!

Iain Murphy

Results-driven and visionary executive with over 20 years of exceptional leadership experience in the dynamic realm of customer data platforms (CDP).

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