Use Case: Use Case: Media & Publication

Monetise the brand and drive more targeted daily newsletters to subscribers to increase readership and revenue

Objective: A media customer wants to monetise their brand by placing high value content on pages targeted to specific audiences, whilst also sending daily newsletters to their subscribers around geographic specific content areas of individual interest to drive customer longevity, increase readership and drive more revenue.

Time to implement: Approximately 30 days from start to finish.

Recently, we discussed sponsorship and better brand monetisation within a media and publication company – the ability for them to sell high cost advertising space to key Sponsors (at key times of the day too) who want only a particular audience to see and engage with their campaigns/creatives. This will help to drive onsite personalisation not only to and for a consumer but also for highly targeted for sponsors.

When it comes to newsletters, the content shown in the newsletters can become hyper relevant based on what the users have consumed on the web site(s), thanks to a content affinity engine which uses AI/ML algorithms to determine likelihood outcomes around what it knows the same user hasn’t yet seen, but is likely to be interested in seeing/reading next. This has been a problem for some time with many content related sites, not just Media but in Pharmaceuticals also (what is the next thing, on what channel I need to show X user…).

It was also possible to incorporate geographical regions into the newsletters, so the newsletters became personalised based on geo region. In the UK for example, we specified a county or city or even a collection of regions/counties/cities) that we wanted to focus the content in the newsletter on for any given subscriber. This enabled us to make the newsletter hyper relevant for the reader based on their geographic location to further engage and attract increased readership, content consumption based on content interest areas and/or geographic proximity, which increases customer lifetime longevity and ultimately revenue.

As always, be sure to measure and conduct regular tests to refine the recommendation algorithms, messaging, or placement for optimal results.